Our Host’s Mission

My goal for this podcast, is to empower people of color to have an open discussion on the many issues facing us today, that we may be able to understand the causes of these plights and find reasonable resources to implement real solutions towards these problems and that we may take collaborative measures towards achieving our collective goals of wellness and success.

Bold Discussion Topics

Our audience can expect us to pull no punches, as we want to get to the root of many controversial issues, which requires real and raw conversation. We are not afraid to speak our minds as is required to achieve our goals!

Impactful Speakers

There are many colleagues of our host, Tanisha, that have been waiting for an opportunity to speak to the topics she is presenting, those colleagues being well articulated and having a wealth of knowledge that they are ready to share with you

Real Solutions

A majority of our communities’ problems cannot simply be overcome by one person. However, Tanisha has aligned herself with a vast network of people and programs that are dedicated to helping the cause of making our neighborhoods and neighbors become the best they can be.

Join the wave and help bring these discussions to life!